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The Crystal Path: Through my thoughts

Crystals are gifts from our Divine Mother Earth to help guide, transform, and manifest our inner, higher, and most authentic self. Each one of us has the power to create change, create happiness, and ultimately create our most rewarding life.

Healing crystals act as little souls guiding us through this journey of ultimate peace, love, and abundance of light. Whether you are new to the practice or have been guided by crystals for years, your journey is an important one!

Just a little reminder: each of one us (including myself) are on separate journeys. We have different goals and aspirations; therefore, we must respect each other’s own path and how we approach life. At the end of each day we are all searching for different ways of helping, guiding, healing, and being better human beings; not only for the welfare of ourselves but the welfare of our earthly home. Judgement can be a subconscious or conscious action that can have very negative side effects towards your ultimate wellbeing.. Simply do not judge yourself or others. Instead, remember we are all human endlessly learning and growing. So, I ask you to embrace your faults, celebrate your talents, and always wish for kindness to lead your path.


For the past 4 years of creating and building Healing Lotus Designs, I have always wanted to share my thoughts and views on how to create and maintain a life of contentment, peace, and happiness. I find so many people are on a constant search for happiness but fail to achieve it simply because we are blinded by a world of desires. Don’t get me wrong, having goals and manifesting your dreams is a wonderful aspect of being human, but we don’t want to get overwhelmed with the idea of how we should be, instead we should focus on being the best we can be. Have gratitude for the life you are given and embracing who you are as an individual.. But first lets discuss crystals as I’m sure lots of you are just as fascinated with these magical little gems as I am.


What is the purpose of crystal healing?

A question I get ask a lot, which makes total sense because I run a small crystal shop,

is ‘what is the purpose of crystals’ (and do they actually work -but that will be a later discussion). Well I will attempt to sum it up; crystals (quartz to be specific) are an important aspect to technology as they have the most stable frequency. As humans, our frequency can be up and down (much like a sine curve) we go through many highs and many lows. By working with crystals, we can take that crazy wave of emotions and create a more stable and balanced state of mind regardless of situations that create tension and stress. Now this does take lots of practice and mediation, simply wearing or holding a crystals won't all of a sudden make you a god or goddess of divinity. However, with daily mediations (even a quick 5 minutes) can really improve your state of mind and help guild you towards a more happy and content self.

Lets Meditate

We all talk about it.. but do we actually do it? I will be honest I am shocking at practicing, (I’m definitely more dedicated to my yoga practice) but with that in mind I do try to practice at least a 5 minute daily meditation. Although, with pregnancy I have found guided meditations to be super helpful and I am able to dedicate 20 minutes a day to them.

New (or old) to the practice? A wonderful way to help your meditation journey is to be guided and YouTube is a great place to find meaningful content. You can find guided mediations on pretty much any area in life that you wish to amplify (with the help of crystals of course).

☾With that being said, remember I am also on the same journey as most of you and I too need a constant reminder to slow down and try to let my mind be in a restful state of wellbeing. Because I constantly craft, that’s where I put most of my time and energy, but I do know that crystal meditations will always benefit my personal journey and keep me manifesting my goals and aim for contentment★


Meditating with your crystals - If you’re like me and prefer a guided mediation use YouTube. It’s a free broadcast that can address most areas that you like to focus on (ex: overall wellbeing, happiness, prosperity, sleep, anxiety, etc.). Take your crystal of choice (typically you’ll want one that you are most drawn to) sit, relax, and breath. Although sitting is the best position for mediation, if I want to lay down I simply do.


Make sure your crystals are cleansed

Most crystals require a routine cleanse to rid them of any negative energy absorbed through daily use, wear, and/or meditation.

Although there are quite a few ways of cleansing your crystal collection, I will just give a general cleansing guide… I will have a blog later that will be dedicated to different ways of cleansing.

The purity of water is one of the most popular and well-known ways of crystal cleansing. Of course, there are some crystals that should not go into water and if you are wearing crystals as healing talismans. For my creations, I suggest not a water cleanse because of the wire. So the easiest ways to cleanse your wearable healing tool is simply with some kind of smudge stick (I use sage, but you can use cedar, lemongrass, lavender, etc). Move the stick in counter clockwise spirals in the air and over your crystals for about 3 minutes. I find this a wonderful opportunity to rid the space and your stones of any negativity and allowing for a blessing or mantra to be absorbed (even as simple as.. I am welcoming only positive and uplifting vibes to my sacred space and tools).

How do I know when to cleanse my crystal(s)? you can and should do a cleanse as often as possible. If you are working daily with a particular crystal or you are wearing a crystal often then you should make sure you do at least a weekly cleanse. Some people will feel if they are wearing their crystal they experience a "heavy" or even drained feeling which is the opposite of what you want .. That’s due to lots of energy that’s been absorbed and a sign it needs a good cleanse to recharge and send off any unwanted energy.


I thank you all so much for talking the time to read my little blog :) I hope that it will give you some guidance's and inspiration to the realm of crystal healing. This is just a surface view on crystals.. Later blog posts will go into more depth.

Also I would like to personally thank all our wonderful supporters, you truly bring me so much inspiration and inner happiness.. For that I will always be internally grateful

Sending you all off with lots of love and light


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